personal It's Supposed to Be Great Living, It's Supposed to Be Fantastic Every story doesn't have to be a sad one, even when there's a shadow at its core. The light is still there too.
personal F My Life We are all worth something. We deserve to be remembered as we were, as we are. The F on my passport is only one document, valid on the whims of a leeching fascist empire I've never respected to begin with, one that lies about who I am as a matter of policy.
personal You Should Read Corpses, Fools and Monsters And yes, despite all of this, trans and queer people have made art the entire time. They have made it with such relentlessness that despite decades of brutal repression and state censorship, two people were able to write a book about it. That alone cheers me up.
the mountain goats On Seeing The Mountain Goats Play Their No Children Encore Twice, Seven Years Apart It’s difficult to explain how important a favorite band is to someone who came From Circumstances. The best I can do is to compare it to the kind of religious faith people find in the lion’s den.
the substance REMEMBER YOU ARE ONE (THE SUBSTANCE, 2024) I understand why she wants to look young and beautiful, because on some level, so do I. Passing would make my life infinitely easier, even if I don't want to do it. I resent the implication I should care, and I also cannot deny that it is the reality I experience.
personal The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Visible I am still shaky and tired, but i have missed this too much. I am ready to be seen by you again. Either as an oddity or a cliche: look upon me with love, if you can.
personal Out Of Office Till 08/16 I'm not going anywhere, but this blog is taking a breather until August. I promise I will be back. Thank you for understanding, and I will be grateful if you continue to support me while I am touching that fabled grass.
photos Photo Gallery: Nightmare Fuel It's been funny to remember how mythically scary these films were in my mind, especially compared to the movies I actually got to see once I was able to rent them for myself.
cult movies Out. Hold. In. (I SAW THE TV GLOW, 2024) I finally wrote about the ending of I SAW THE TV GLOW. Massive spoilers if you have not seen the movie. You have been warned.
tennessee williams What Does Any Of This Have To Do With Tennessee Williams? It feels facile to say I feel a kinship with a writer like Tennessee Williams; it’s like a flashlight claiming the same common heritage as the moon. And yet I felt I understood.
photos Photo Gallery: FROM BEYOND Set 1 There's a new FROM BEYOND essay coming your way in a few weeks, but for now, please enjoy these weird photos I made with a homemade light filter and some 80s hunk closet cosplay.
personal You Can Teach Yourself to Shave The first step of shaving your face is realizing that you are now the kind of man who needs to shave his face, and you have no clue how to go about that.
the people's joker Flaming Beautiful Failure (THE PEOPLE'S JOKER, 2022) I am still doing this because I want to be the person I am right now more than I want my own teeth. If you’ve never had your heart beat like this, if you’ve never been so sure you’re willing to die for it, if you’ve never wanted something this badly? I feel sorry for you.
goodfellas My Understanding of GOODFELLAS Is Inarguable Proof That I Am a Man Two-and-a-half-hours later, I was a changed man. Specifically, I was transformed into a biological man by the undeniable movie magic of Mr. Martin Scorsese. I always thought THE KING OF COMEDY was my favorite Scorsese, but this one gave me a free sex change, so I’m gonna update my roster.
News Publishing Schedule Update and Some Friday Favorites Weekly updates are moving to Wednesday, starting next week. (Also, if you have not seen GOODFELLAS, this is your warning to do so before next Wednesday. It's great, you'll like it, I promise.)
personal A Fevered State of The Union Twentieth Post Address I’m not saying I’ll stop, because I don’t care about any other work than this. But imagine if it could sustain me as diligently as I sustain it? That’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted, and I’m closer than I have ever been. Why not ask for what I need? Why not make the leap, and hope I’ll land clean?
apocalypse from now on Falling in Love at The End of The World Some might say these things don’t matter in the face of an apocalypse. But they are the only things that matter. We both live like people who know that, in a world of people who act like they don’t. It’s one of the things I love about you the most.
apocalypse from now on Boys Beware! (The Tillinghast Question, Part 1) There’s a reason that a certain strain of queer nerd gets overly attached to horror movies. Schlocky 80s gross-out movies are gay comfort food for me. I prefer to linger in their gooey clutches. It makes me feel normal.
apocalypse from now on I can't do it today. It's not that I have nothing to share. I'm sitting on gigs of butt photos (no pun intended). I have scrap playful humor pieces that you might enjoy. I even have a post about HEAVENLY CREATURES that is one fact-check away from sunlight. You will be
apocalypse from now on Harm Cox is Going to Survive the Apocalypse Harm did not anticipate that they would be pointed towards a burning library while trying to research their survival. We'll just have to figure it out together, alright?