A Gallery of Hot Nudes from a Trans Ohioan
No matter what the Ohio legislature does, Harm Cox remains a chunk of heartland beefcake straight from Grandpa’s Cheesebarn. It’s pure good luck that one of Ohio's greatest native sons also has a cool beard AND an incredible rack.

I'm a trans person from Ohio, and like every other trans person from Ohio, my heart is heavy with a burden: the burden of being so attractive and interesting that the worst people in the entire state are throwing a temper tantrum about our existence.
And yet, somehow, I manage to keep being hot in the face of adversity. That's right, no matter what the Ohio legislature does, Harm Cox remains a chunk of heartland beefcake straight from Grandpa’s Cheesebarn. It’s pure good luck that one of Ohio's greatest native sons also has a cool beard AND an incredible rack. After all, the rarest version of our state bird is flamboyantly nonbinary as well. Why not celebrate me like the unique wonder I am, too?
The nudes taken by buff trans hunks like me are nationally recognized as one of Ohio's most beautiful natural resources. Do you know why I started sharing these photos with you? It's partially because the first place I ever saw transmasculine bodies like mine was pornography. Gutter art matters to me for lots of reasons, and one is that a fuzzy clip of a strap-on session answered the unspoken question of my entire life.
That experience also taught me that bodies like mine need to be seen by people like me so we can realize who we are. You are extraordinarily unlikely to witness a body like mine being treated lovingly in any media that isn't shot for fetish purposes, but that doesn't mean we're always easy to spot in the genre. There aren't enough fat transmasc bodies represented in erotic art, especially mainstream queer erotica. That's why I started making my own. Rust Belt ingenuity, baby.
But I also come by dirty pictures as a matter of my Appalachian bloodline. My great-grandfather, Howard Russel Cox, was a notorious exploitation film producer who circulated pornographic “hygiene” films throughout southern Ohio and beyond for decades. I was raised listening to stories about the man traveling from town to town, posing as a “professor of sex” and tricking pervs into tiny rural movie theaters. Shouldn’t I follow in the path of my most successful Ohio ancestor? It’s not my fault he sucked at farming.
Also, you need a Midwestern work ethic to be a transgender hunk. I built my own body from hard work and dairy products and weekly injections of testosterone, just like those athletes y’all won’t shut up about. Now I'm a total smokeshow, because Ohioans know how to get things done. That’s why Ohio is the number one state for producing presidents, astronauts, transsexual heartthrobs, and serial killers.
No matter how many laws Ohio tries to pass to stop people like me from existing, they’re going to keep churning out fat transmasc creeps. We’ll keep being sexy and incredible, and we’ll keep giving dumbasses like Gary Click the confused and painful boners they deserve.
So this week, we’re going to enjoy this fat naked trans body from Ohio in all of its incredible glory. This great big sumbitch is every bit as Ohioan as peanut butter Buckeyes, and twice as thick. Hot damn! Deny me if you want, Ohio, but we both know the truth. You’re obsessed with me for a reason.